Pesticide saving and
precise crop-yield estimation

Compatible with current tractors
and mistblowers

of diseases and deficiencies

Easy-to-use with just
“one click”

Precise plant characterisation

Pesticide Savings and improved productivity

Adaptable to any tractor and mistblower

Valuable information in real-time

Affordable to any grower and farm size

Treatment and plant traceability

Environmentally sound with less drift


Talptech offer easy-to-use precision agriculture solutions to all farmers. Our products are based on simple and intuitive graphical interfaces that can be installed to any tractor and mistblower as a simple kit. TalpSpray and TalpMonitor can operate together to achieve the maximum benefits.


Our products apply to intensive 2D crops of fruit trees, vineyards and other trellised crops

About us

Talptech, a spin-off from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, a world-wide reference research center dedicated to deeptech technology, is a joint effort of three partners with complementary expertise on computer science, top management and agricultural engineering, whose vision is to offer easy-to-use precision agriculture solutions to all farmers. Our products are based on simple and intuitive graphical interfaces that can be installed to any tractor and mistblower.

With the support of ACCIÓ: